Love: A Journey into the Unknown

I’m feeling the growing pains so much these days.

So I remind myself these things:

  1. Be patient. 

  2. Do not judge.

I find myself carrying more angst when I’m trying to speed up the process because I’m resisting the reality that is the now - the exact speed and conditions at which things are occurring.

You need to surrender to the now.
The fight is what makes this much harder.
It’s what is causing the tension,
It's what is causing the freeze.

.Be patient with the discomfort.

You are moving some sticky energy that has been there for as long as you can remember. Conditioning, programs, trauma - you are doing the work to release these things.

Don’t expect this to be easy or comfortable. You are literally pulling energy out of your body - like an energetic surgery. And with a procedure this deep it’s not going to feel like a walk in the park. It’s going to feel like heavy waves exiting your system. Crying, anger, anxiety - emotion. There’s a certain amount of stuff that needs to move. You can’t rush this process. It’s going to take as long as it needs. 

Do not judge what is happening to you.

Statements of “what is wrong with me?” “I don’t want to feel this way”. Allow it to be. It already isn’t easy - judging what is coming though is going to make it that much more rough and painful. Simply observe and be kind to yourself.

Allow it to pass and know that it will pass.

Do you know why it’s this uncomfortable?

Because what’s happening right now is the death of your ego; you are choosing to leave your known reality and the identity you’ve had for your entire life. You’re choosing to leave the comfort of your familiar suffering and move into the unknown  - the place of freedom.

Freedom can be a scary place however. 

Because what happens then when you’re free of your chains? What things could you be capable of and what expectations are there going to be of you? Who are you gonna lose in the process?

Then comes the fear of the unknown.

In face of the fear you need to embrace the walk. And during this walk, remember to be patient with yourself. Go at whatever pace you need, take breathers if you need to. Do not judge your feelings or what needs to be expressed. Hold yourself with the utmost love as you journey into the unknown.


Dear Artist: Consume.


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